Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Labor and Delivery

So my biggest fear was arriving at the hospital early and being sent home or arriving too late and not being able to take advantage of the good drugs. Saturday February 4th, after timing my contractions for over 3 hours, I felt it was time to go. The question at hand was do we drive or cab it over to Jefferson. Luckily a 3rd option emerged when our neighbor Justine, after hearing that we were going to the hospital jumped up and down saying "I want to take you"  "I want to take you".
When we got to the hospital I was checked at 9pm to see how far along I was. They told me I was barely in the early stages. Pretty Painful for early stage, I feared they might send me home. Luckily the team at Jeff decided to keep me. Good thing, when the doctor checked me at 10:30pm I was in active labor and ready to be moved to the delivery room. With a little help of an induction, by 12:15 am I was ready to help Lillian enter the world. (This after 2 epidurals, YES!! I said 2.  The 1st one only effected my left side of my lower body, so they had to redo it again)
With some good pushing and some excellent doctors my little girl took her 1st breath at 2:10 am Sunday February 5th 2012. The rush of emotion and joy I felt can not be explained but I know is shared by the multitudes of women who have experienced  the same thing. Even though it took a long time to get here it feels like in a blink of an eye, I became a mommy, Bennett became a daddy, and we became a family.

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